2nd Class trip to 14 Henrietta Street

2nd Class had an amazing time learning all about the historical building at 14 Henrietta Street. This is a fantastic museum showing the lives of the many different people that lived there in the past. Special thanks to our wonderful guide Gillian and all the staff at the Museum.

2nd Class STEM and Art

Mr Donnelly’s class have been busy studying 3D shapes and static electricity in STEM. We made models from nets and carried out science experiments with balloons.

We also studied Impressionism and the work of Claude Monet, before making our own Water Lily watercolour paintings. We hope you enjoy!

Movie Magic and the Joy of Reading

Today, Mr Smyth’s 3rd Class turned their classroom into a mini-cinema with popcorn and watched the movie adaptation of “James and the Giant Peach”, which we compared and contrasted with the book.

Over the last few months, the children have read the book together. They worked hard writing chapter summaries, character profiles, story profiles, book reviews, advertisements for a peach visit and much more. They also created clay creations of characters from the book.

St Brigid’s Cross making lesson in 3rd Class

On Monday, we had a Bank Holiday in recognition of St Brigid’s Day. This week and last, the children read the story of “St. Brigid’s Cloak”.

Today, the children in 3rd Class made St Brigid’s crosses with the help of Ms Leonard (Thank you Ms Leonard!) who popped in to demonstrate the art lesson.

The children had great fun learning the weaving skill involved in making them. Check out the pictures below.

James and the Giant Peach characters come to life in 3rd Class

This week, Mr Smyth’s 3rd Class completed their clay creations of characters from their novel “James and the Giant Peach”. They made 3-D representations of Earthworm, Miss Spider, Sponge, Spider, the Peach, Centipede and many more. Today, they added a splash of colour to their clay work using bright acrylic paints. Check out some pictures below.

Coding in 2nd Class

We had lots of fun using Scratch coding platform as part of STEM in 2nd Class to explore the basics of computer programming. We hope to cover a few lessons to keep developing our skills. Scratch is free to sign up to and use. Maybe the children can show you at home what they can do!
