Autumn Fun in the Park

Senior Infants and 5th Class enjoyed a lovely trip to the Phoenix Park on Thursday. 5th Class were very excited when Ms Buggy accepted their invitation to ‘buddy up’ and go on this adventure.

We collected some Autumn leaves that Senior Infants are going to use in an Art lesson. Then we followed a trail through some trees, past the flowers and down the hill. There was even time for a visit to the playground!

3rd Class Engineering Workshop

3rd Class took part in an engineering workshop in TU Dublin recently. They looked at examples of engineering used by the Roman Empire for building bridges and arches. In groups they worked on building their own arches using a keystone. Finally everyone created catapults and competed to see who could launch their pompom the farthest.

Reading Fun with New Friends

Junior Infants and 3rd Class recently came together for some Buddy Reading time. They shared some interesting, funny and exciting stories and made new friends along the way!

With World Book Day coming up on March 7th, the children in St. Gabriel’s NS will be looking forward to even more shared reading time together.

3rd Class in the Limelight!

The children from 3rd Class were asked to be a part of a new project for the National Museum of Ireland in Collins Barracks.

This involved taking part in an interesting workshop called If Things Could Talk, where the children got to handle and examine different artefacts from days gone by. While doing this, they were filmed by a team of camera people. The museum are now using this footage to help inform schools around Ireland about the different workshops and tours that the museum has to offer.

To see 3rd Class making their movie debut, please click on the links below and enjoy!

Parent Teacher Meetings 2022

Parent Teacher Meetings will take place on Thursday 17th and Thursday 24th of November. The staff in St. Gabriel’s NS are looking forward to welcoming parents and guardians back into the school for these important meetings. In addition to your child’s class teacher, support teachers and HSCL will be available to meet with on these days.

Parents can enter the school through the door that their child usually uses (front door or playground door). If you are unable to attend at the assigned time, please let the class teacher know and a meeting can be arranged for an alternative date and time.

Maths Week 2022!

Monday 17th of October will mark the start of our Maths Week 2022 celebrations in St. Gabriel’s NS. Each year we all take part in activities throughout the school and teachers make sure that Maths lessons are even more fun than usual! This year we will have a Maths poster competition, indoor and outdoor Maths trails, a competition to find who is the Tables Champion and parent-child Maths games.

Visit to read more about Maths Week Ireland and find resources and events taking place around the country.

Family Fun Day for Stoneybatter Festival 2022!

You are all cordially invited to St. Gabriel’s NS on Saturday 18th of June to join in all the fun and games!  From 12 – 2pm we will be playing carnival games, building, creating, face painting and much more as part of the Stoneybatter Festival 2022.  Everyone is welcome to come along to Cowper Street for the festivities.