A very special visitor to St Gabriel’s NS this morning

A very busy but very special visitor popped into school today with some lovely gifts for all the children. We know how busy he is this time of year getting ready for the big night, so we are delighted he found the time to drop in. The children received some lovely books from him in our magical Santa Grotto! We hope they enjoy reading them! Happy Christmas!

Printing in Second Class

Second class have been having lots of festive fun printing with different materials and ideas. We looked at different ways of printing and then used baking tins, blue-tac and wooden blocks to make our own prints and copies.

Christmas Performances have begun!

There has been huge excitement and big crowds for our Christmas performances this week and shows continue tomorrow, Friday, and into next week. Check out some pictures below.

All shows take place at 11am with refreshments beforehand from 10:15am.

Friday Dec 13th: Senior Infants & 1st Class perform.

Monday Dec 16th: 3rd & 4th Class perform.

Tuesday Dec 17th: Junior Infants perform the Nativity.

Bake Sale!!!

We had our Christmas Bake Sale in St Gabriel’s today. 6th Class did fantastic work as buddies to the younger classes, helping them make choices and organise their money. A great day was had by all! A big thank you to the Parents Association for organising the event and a massive thank you to all the parents and children for their delicious contributions!