The Roman Force be with you!

3rd Class have been learning about Forces in Science, Construction in Art and the Romans in History. They combined all of this by designing and making their own Roman catapults in groups. Check out their amazing creations below. They had so much fun shooting paper “boulders” from their catapults!

Buongiorno Third Class

3rd Class had the pleasure of a visit from Agostino who came in to answer the children’s questions about Italy. They had questions about Italian food, cities, cars and much more. We have been learning about Italy in Geography so this was a great opportunity to interview someone from the country.

We are very grateful to Agostino for taking the time to come in to our class. Thank you! Grazie Mille!

Tales of bandits, landlords, heroism and justice with “Ballad of a Bandit” in Cabra Library

Today, 3rd Class had a wonderful day in Cabra Library. The event was called “Ballad of a Bandit” which is a story of a highway man, a Robin Hood-like character and master of disguise, named Captain McNamara. This was a one man theatre show with music, object animation, clown and expert storytelling. It was interactive and huge fun! As the class are learning about Narrative Writing (story writing) in English this month and next, this activity will no doubt be fantastic inspiration for their own creative writing.

Dutch Educators Visit St Gabriel’s NS

We were delighted to welcome the Dutch trainee teachers who visit St Gabriel’s NS from the Netherlands every year. They come here to learn about our school, the Irish education system, to observe classes and to give a series of lessons about the Netherlands to the children.

In 3rd Class, the children learned about Dutch customs and traditions around times such as Christmas, St Nicholas or “Sinterklaas” and Easter. The children really enjoyed the visit!

Can we heat air?

Today, 3rd class in Science used thermometers in a bottle to measure air temperature while the empty bottle sat in cold and then hot water. They took readings of the temperature in degrees celsius and recorded their findings in their SESE Workbooks.

The Heat is on in 3rd Class

The children are learning about heat in Science this month and today they were investigating how heat travels through solid objects in a process called conduction. With blobs of butter on the end of three spoons, one metal, one wooden and one plastic, we added boiling water to the bowl and made predictions about which butter would melt first.

They made sure it was a fair test by ensuring the butter blobs and spoons were the same size.

Can you guess which blob of butter melted first? Which one was next?

Check out the photos of their investigation below.