Bake Sale!!!

We had our Christmas Bake Sale in St Gabriel’s today. 6th Class did fantastic work as buddies to the younger classes, helping them make choices and organise their money. A great day was had by all! A big thank you to the Parents Association for organising the event and a massive thank you to all the parents and children for their delicious contributions!

TUD Chess & Game Society

6th Class attended a chess and boardgame workshop in TUD today. They were taught the fundamentals of chess by volunteers of the TUD Games Society. They were also introduced to a number of other games and had a fantastic time playing together.

St Gabriel’s Radio

The children from 6th class worked very hard and hosted their first St Gabriel’s radio show this week. Have a listen to the boys and girls of St Gabriel’s singing their class songs and stay tuned for some fun Maths Week jokes too. Enjoy!

Coding in 6th Class

6th class were engaged in some video game coding today. The children were using a block-based coding language. They used it to write code to instruct a video game character to move and engage with the environment.