School closes for Summer

School closes for Summer holidays today, Friday 29th June

School Year: 2012-13

School will re-open Monday 3rd September

School Office open between 10.00am-2.00pm on the following days to facilitate people who would like to buy tracksuits, school crests and pay book money:

  • Mon 1st July- Fri 5th July
  • Wed 29th August- Friday 31st August

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FREE year of Pre-School

For anyone who has a child born between 2nd February 2008- 30th June 2009-please be aware that there is an entitlement to FREE year of pre-school.



There are places available in the Pre-School located in St Gabriel’s NS– anyone interested should contact Imelda in the playgroup on 085-1465901


Graduation Ceremony for 6th Class

The Graduation Ceremony for the pupils of 6th Class and their families took place today.

Thanks to all who came and best wishes to all our pupils as they make the journey on to secondary school and beyond to third level.



Launch Meeting of St Gabriel’s NS Historical Society

Launch Meeting of St Gabriel’s NS Historical Society took place yesterday afternoon. A big thank you to all who came. We will be working over the summer and we are having our next meeting in September when school re-opens. If you are a past pupil and are interested in the Historical Society please get in touch.

Niall 087 96 26 708 or


End of Year Awards

Today children from across the school recieved awards for Pupil of the Year, Sports Person of the Year, Irish Speaker of the Year, Best attendance and more.

Well done to all the pupils & a huge thank you to all the parents who attended the ceremony.