Looking forward to Swimming!

The children from Mr.Gallagher’s class and Ms Turley’s class look forward to swimming lessons every week in the National Aquatic Centre! The children are really enjoying  the lessons! Here’s Mr. Gallagher’s class about to go out and get on board the coach!


Junior Infants visit the Phoenix Park

Junior Infants enjoyed a lovely walk to the Phoenix Park on Friday.  In Geography, we had been investigating and learning about different places where children play.  We looked at the play area in the park on Google Earth on our Interactive Whiteboard in class and luckily our ‘buddies’ in 6th Class came along to help us explore the real thing!



4th and 5th Class Sculptures

We were inspired to construct these after viewing pictures of sculptures by 20th century Swiss artist, Alberto Giacometti. Giacometti sculpted hundreds of stick people in different poses.His sculptures varied in sizes, from larger than life figures to figures that could fit inside a matchbox!!

We first used pipe-cleaners to create the basic shapes we wanted. The next step involved márla, which we used for the base of our figures. The weight of the márla allowed us to stand our figures upright. It was quite tricky to find a suitable pose to allow them to balance properly. For the final stage we used strips of tin-foil to entirely cover the figures. This gives them a nice polished finish. We hope you like them!