Our German Visitor

By: Elena

Today we were in school. It was 12 o’clock and Mr.Smyth told us that our German visitor would arrive at 1 o’clock .Our questions were all ready to ask.

Soon it was lunch time and we headed off to the yard. After it was over, we walked up stairs.

Surprise! Our German visitor was waiting for us in the middle of the class room. First Mr.Smyth asked us if we remembered his name. No one answered. Mr.Smyth said his name was Dirk Hutterman- a pretty nice name but hard to pronounce.

The first question was asked by myself. I asked him where was he born? He was born in Marback Am Neckar.

I asked him if he was there when the Berlin wall fell? He was not there but he saw it on TV. He saw people taking bits of the wall home with them at that time and he felt happy, excited and free.

We asked many other questions. He said they don’t have Halloween and that Christmas is different. How? Because when he was younger his dad used to put real candles in the Christmas tree and used to have a big pot of cold water in case of an accident.

In Germany they like to taste different types of bread. Dirk taught us how to say good day in Germany. You say “Guten Tag”

He said he was so happy when Germany won the world cup and that was the end of the day. We said thank you and good bye in German. I will never forget this day.





October Courses for Parents

There are lots of FREE one-off talks and courses for parents in October.

The NWICN will be running some parent information talks in Stanhope Street Primary over the coming weeks.



MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service) – good budgeting advice with Christmas fast approaching Tuesday 2nd October 9:15am
Employment and Education Links –  a talk from Deborah Sutcliffe of the North West Inner City Network (NWICN) about the services she offers in the community Tuesday 16thOctober9:15am
Internet Safety and your child – Essential advice on how to monitor your child’s internet accessCall or text Anna on 085 187 11 73, or drop into the HSCL room.


Tuesday 23rd October9:15am 

Aosóg will be running a Connect with your Child course on Wednesdays starting October 15th. Topics will include

– Building Confidence and Self esteem as a family

– Exploring Resilience and Self Awareness in your Child

– Nutrition and the Family

– Experiential Parenting


And of course, we will continue with Monday walks, Wednesday’s Aerobics class with Angelica, and Bootcamp on Fridays with Claire in Stanhope Street Secondary.

Also, book your place on the Cookery Course starting Friday 3rd October.


What a great and busy first few weeks we’ve had back at Saint Gabriel’s – and not just the children!

Maths games are up and running this week in Senior Infants, Second Class and 4th/5th class. We are so lucky to have parents involved in every class – a huge thank you to them all. It’s not too late for any other parents, guardians, grandparents, or other family members who are available to get involved. Just contact the class teacher or Anna to find out more. There are still three weeks of fun in maths to go in these classes.

Our exercise regime is now taking effect too. Monday’s walking group has started and we hope more and more of you will come each week. It’s a great way to start a Monday morning. Angelica’s aerobics class is already popular on a Wednesday morning. Bootcamp in Stanhope Street starts on Friday. You can go straight there for 9:30, or meet at Anna’s room at 9:15 if you’re not sure where to go.

Cookery classes start back next Friday October 3rd. Please let Anna know as soon as possible if you would like to join.

Parent/teacher class meetings have been a great success over the last two weeks. They were a great opportunity to meet with the class teacher and find out how things work in your child’s class. Miss Turley’s 6th class meeting will now be held next Tuesday 30th September at 2pm.

We were also delighted to welcome Smithfield Boxing Club into the school for a demonstration for the children last week. See the notice boards for details on classes if you are interested in more. It’s another super way to keep fit.

Remember to keep an eye on the notice boards for other classes going on, or contact Anna directly if there’s something in particular you’re looking for.