Hosanna Rock!

Today the children of St. Gabriel’s performed Hosanna Rock, a musical nativity, for parents, neighbours and friends of the school.
Well done to all the classes who performed each song beautifully. They were helped out brilliantly by Junior Infants who acted out parts of the nativity story. A huge well done goes to David our narrator and to Roy and Rebecca who also helped to tell the story. Well done also to our choir who stayed after school every Wednesday for the past few weeks to practice.
It was a lovely occasion and thank you to all who attended!

1st and 2nd Class enjoy Clay Workshop

On Monday the children from 1st and 2nd Class went on a trip to the Draíocht theatre to take part in a clay workshop.  We left school straight away in the morning and caught the 39A bus all the way to Blanchardstown Shopping Centre.  We even brought Freddy the Teddy with us!

Deirdre and Andrew were the artists who helped us to create some beautiful Christmas decorations from clay.  We used rolling pins, moulds and tools to shape the clay and different techniques such as pinching, cross hatching and rolling.  We made some fantastic decorations that we are now painting in our classes!

Parent’s on Tour

This morning, a group of 11 parents visited Collins Barracks. They were given a tour of some exhibitions by Helen and Edith there. They got lots of ideas for free, fun and interesting family activities to do at Christmas, weekends, or just a rainy afternoon.

Thanks to everyone who came. It was such a great success that we will plan more parent trips after Christmas…watch this space!