World Cup Finals

Monday 23rd of March saw the annual Football World Cup in St. Gabriel’s draw to a close.  Over the past few weeks the children from 2nd to 6th Class have been playing together on teams with names that represent the different countries that some of our pupils or their families are from.  From Ireland to Poland, and Scotland to Zimbabwe, the teams have been battling it out to reach the semi-finals which took place in the Aughrim Street Sports Centre.

Referee on the day was Ian Hill of the FAI who has been running the competition with Ms. Hyland and Mr. Smyth.   Both semi-finals were nailbiting affairs and the spectators were never sure which team was going to walk away with the cup, but it was India who managed to swing it in the final.  Well done to South Africa, Estonia and Bulgaria who came 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively.

Today’s Solar Eclipse

Today our class wrote about our experience of the Solar Eclipse. Have a read of them below:

By David Casey

Today on the 20th of March 2015, there was a solar eclipse. A solar eclipse is when the sun, the moon and the earth are perfectly aligned. The last one was in 1999 and the next one is in 2026.

By Jamie Leigh Fitzharris

Today when we came into school Mr Smyth told us there was a solar eclipse just before we did our Maths. He explained what a solar eclipse was. We were all fascinated. Well for all I know- I was. A solar eclipse is when the moon gets in the way of the sun so the sun reflects off the moon and then it looks like a diamond ring because the sun is behind the moon. So it makes it look like a diamond ring. I really liked learning about the eclipse. The last eclipse was in 1999 and the next one is in 2026 and I’ll be 21 or 22!

By Ryan Burke

Today in class our teacher told us that there was going to be a solar eclipse. It will repeat history from 1999. When the sun shines at the earth the moon gets in the way and makes no light and the world gets darker, darker and darker, until it goes pitch black for an hour more or less. Today the eclipse started at 8.30 and finished at 10.30. We looked at websites and we found live coverage from England, Scotland and the Faroe Islands.

Our Green Walk 2015!

The staff and pupils of St. Gabriel’s came together for our annual sponsored Green Walk to mark the end of Seachtain na Gaeilge 2015.  A busy week was had by all as we celebrated our language and culture (teanga agus cultúr)  with a series of events such as a concert (ceolchoirm) with Irish poems and songs from the children from Junior Infants to 6th Class, a quiz in Irish (Tráth na gCeist) and some céilí dancing. On Friday, we all dressed in green and walked around the Stoneybatter area.  Thank you to all the friends, families and neighbours who kindly sponsored the pupils and we are confident that we have raised even more funds for school events than ever before! Go raibh míle maith agaibh gach duine.

Our Canadian Visitor

Here are some stories from our class about our surprise Canadian visitor last week. We have been studying the country of Canada in Geography.

Our Canadian Visitor By Lavinia Hotca Florea

On Tuesday, the 3rd of March a Canadian visitor came to tell us a few things about Canada. First she told us her name was Winn. The first question was “Where she was from in Canada?” Winn said she was from Victoria on the West Coast on Vancouver Island. We also asked her how tall the tallest tree in Canada was. She said that the height of the tallest tree was 95 metres and the width was 9 metres. Winn also told us that each year in British Columbia they plant 200 million trees and that 118 Ireland’s would fit into Canada. After she showed us  two t-shirts. One was with the fire fighters and the second was with a hockey team. Winn also showed us some ketchup flavoured crisps, cheezies, a soft ball and a leather glove. Soon we had to go home but when we went out the door we saw teachers little baby girl. I had a great time that day!

Our Canadian Visitor By Ajay Jones

Yesterday a visitor came in. Her name was Winn. She lives in Victoria on Vancouver Island on the West coast of Canada. The width of the tallest tree in Canada is 7m. Canada is very large. We asked her about 20 questions. I asked her what poutine tastes like and do Canadians have any different traditions. She brought us in a forest workers uniform. She also brought some crisps. She said she never tasted poutine. Hockey is a big sport in Canada and she said she likes playing hockey too. In Canada the national anthem is called ‘O! Canada!’

Our Canadian Visitor By Mateusz Jermolowicz

Yesterday a visitor came to our class. She was from Canada. Her name was Winn. Firstly, teacher told us to put everything away into our bags. Secondly, the woman came to our class and the woman was from Canada. She introduced herself- her name was Winn. Later on we asked her about 20 questions. Everyone had questions for her. She was telling us about school in Canada and about all different types of foods, like poutine. She said that she loved hockey. When the questions were finished she showed us a tee-shirt with the firefighters on the back and a baseball glove and a softball, ketchup chips and cheesy chips. So that’s the end. I was happy that I learned something about Canada!

Our Canadian Visitor By Kacper Burtan

Yesterday in our class we had a Canadian visitor. Her name was Winn. She was from the West Coast in Victoria. Firstly we had to get our questions ready to ask. Next Winn came at 2pm. She had a big bag with a Canadian flag on it. Later on, we asked Winn our questions. I asked what was Kobassa. Finally she showed us some things she had in her bag. She had a soccer shirt, crisps and another t-shirt. Finally she had to head back to Canada. The End.

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Dia diobh!

This week in St Gabriel’s NS we are celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge.

This week has seen a Tra na gCeist sa Halla and tomorrow will see the children perform in our annual Ceolchoirm at 11am. All welcome! Tickets at the door: €3 or two for €5.

Operation Transformation DIT 3km Fun Run

Operation Transformation came to a wonderful ending last Friday with a 3km Fun Run around the college grounds of the new DIT, Grangegorman.

Children from Mr. Smyth’s and Ms. Turley’s classes joined children from other local schools, lots of parents and other adults from the community to take part in this fun event.

Set your next goal now.

The women’s Mini Marathon is only 90 days away! Meet in Anna’s room on Tuesday 3rd March at 1pm for information on how to register and to get your training plan.