Story Time in Senior Infants!

We were delighted to be invited by Cabra Library to participate in Story Time again. Two lovely librarians visited our Senior Infants and read them a story in our own wonderful school library!

1916 Project work continues

Mr. Linnane’s 5th and 6th class pupils are working hard on their 1916 projects. As well as learning lots about both the leaders of the Rising and the ordinary people, they have continued their art work, creating the stories around artefacts from the rising. As you can see from the pictures below, the poster work is almost finished. The children will soon be working on recordings of the stories the posters tell.

Both the posters and recordings of the stories will later be displayed in DIT Grangegorman.

The class is also looking forward to two more visits to the National Museum at Collins Barracks – to see the new 1916 Exhibition, Proclaiming a Republic, and following on from that they will participate in a workshop with Dermot Bolger, a writer who will be in residence in the museum.