Illuminations Workshop

Ms Sweetmans class participated in a creative art and design workshop  which introduced students to concepts such as colour, form and composition through exploration of glass artefacts on display in the What’s in Store? exhibition at Collins Barracks. The workshop encouraged critical thinking and creative responses. 5th and 6th class developed their artistic skills and aesthetic awareness while they designed and made their own translucent panels.

Collins Barracks-‘The stories of Irish at War’

Ms. Sweetman’s 5th and 6th class had a wonderful time at Collins Barracks today. The children have been focusing on WW2 in class and had the oppurtunity today to explore and hear about the stories of the Irish at War.

Good Friend’s Week features on RTE’s News2day

Look out for pupils from Miss Walshe’s 3rd and 4th classes on RTE’sNews2day this afternoon around 4:20pm.

A camera crew and news presenter visited the children from Miss Walshe’s class to find out all about what it is to be a good friend. They had heard about our Good Friend’s Week, and thought it was such a great way to start a new school year, they decided to share the idea on the children’s news!

Good Friends Week: 3rd- 7th September

Welcome to the new school year. Our focus this year is ‘We Include’.

Here in St. Gabriel’s N.S. we strive to promote respect for the diversity of abilities, values, beliefs, traditions, languages and ways of life in our school and in our wider society. This year we welcome, along with our new Junior Infant class, lots of new pupils throughout the class levels. We hope that they gain a sense of community and belonging from day one.

As part of Good Friends Week each class will draw up a class charter with guidelines that we feel are important to help each classroom to be happy, safe, inclusive and productive places to be this year.

 We will become mindful of the people around us and outside our circle. We want to reach out and invite all to join in and take part. We all belong to this community!

Ms. Sweetman’s 5th and 6th class will be wonderful role models to all pupils by becoming Playground Buddies to our new Junior Infant Class.

What a way to feel welcomed and included in our school!