Check out this month’s Newsletter. Just click on the image below to read.
Below is a link to a fun interactive hundred square which you can use at home to get to know the hundred square and to have fun and practice skip counting.
Please note: You will need to have Adobe Flash on your device. The game won’t work with an ipad.
This month in Mr Smyth’s First Class our theme for the month of September is Myself.
In English, Gaeilge, SPHE, History, Geography, Science and Art we are learning about various aspects of ourselves: from learning about our body in Science, our own unique life history in History, our friendship with others in SPHE, drawing and self-portraits in Art and Me Fein in Gaeilge.
At home you can chat with your child about the theme.
Some parents have been asking if there are any resources that can help them learn Gaeilge (Irish language) – below are some links to classes, lessons and other resources that may help.
Bainigí sult as!
This is a large resource bank for parents around all things related to Gaeilge.
Well done to all the pupils from our school who represented our school so well on RTE’s News2Day programme. Well done to you all!
Last week was Good Friends Week and the girls and boys in Mr Smyth’s Class had a fun and busy week.
The class had a visit from Cillian from RTE’s News2Day, which will feature on the television today, Tuesday, 10th September at 4.20pm.
The children were reading the book “Have you filled a bucket today?” and learning about how we can be kind to each other and “fill each others buckets” with kindness.
Check out some of the photos above, which include RTE’s visit to our school and our Class Charter which the children created themselves.