Hi everybody,
I hope you are enjoying this fabulous sunshine. Isn’t it glorious?
This is just a short message to wish you an enjoyable long weekend. Activities will be uploaded to begin next Wednesday.
Have fun in the sun!
Ms O’Dowd
Hi everybody,
I hope you are enjoying this fabulous sunshine. Isn’t it glorious?
This is just a short message to wish you an enjoyable long weekend. Activities will be uploaded to begin next Wednesday.
Have fun in the sun!
Ms O’Dowd
Hi Everybody!
Welcome to the last week in May! I hope you are enjoying the lovely weather! Congratulations on all the hard work being done by students, staff and families of St. Gabriel’s N.S.
I want to welcome Ms O’Loughlin back. She will be working as a Support Teacher and is looking forward to catching up with you all!
Ms Dunne loved the beautiful pictures and cards you sent on SeeSaw!
I want to wish Donato a very Happy Birthday from us all!
So this week and next week are a bit shorter as we are off on Friday May 29th and Mon June 1st and Tuesday June 2nd. How valuable this time off is to those trying to juggle home schooling with working from home and the various other challenges that are presenting in our households.
Remember we are all doing our best and to try and put your mental health and wellbeing above all else. There are days when we feel incredibly sad and we miss our friends and routine and there are days where we are able to be grateful for what we have. We need to stay strong, stay at home and do our best so that June 8th will allow us more freedom. I am sure you are all experts by now at washing your hands and maintaining social distance.
So to cheer us up we are going to have a FLOWER POWER themed week!
So I want you to draw flowers, create flowers, colour flowers, photograph flowers, plant flowers, write about flowers, dress up as a flower, dance like a flower and send your photos and videos to your teacher on SeeSaw if you can! Do you get the idea?
The Bloom Festival in Phoenix Park this year will be held on-line. They are running an online competition on Sunday May 31st. They want people to share pictures of their colourful gardens…some fun videos capturing how garden spaces are being used. They also want to celebrate examples of great community spirit…” as simple as adding something to your front garden for those passing to enjoy from a socially acceptable distance.” On May 31st, posts on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) using the hashtag #BloomwithRTE (more info available here: https://www.rte.ie/lifestyle/living/2020/0518/1139048-bloom-2020-is-moving-online-with-a-colourful-competition/ )
Have a lovely week flowers!!
Suzanne Comerford
Hello everyone!
I hope you are all keeping well.
Over the past few weeks I have planted a lot of summer seeds and bulbs which I hope will begin to shoot up and bloom when they are ready. Like the seed in the meditation, they will need heat from the sun and water from the clouds (or the tap!) to help them to grow.
You can keep practicing the counting, addition and subtraction activities and playing the maths games that were in my previous posts.
I hope you have a good week. Stay happy and safe!
Ms Whyte
Please note: For internet based activities please ensure your children are supervised while accessing the internet.
Hi all,
All activities are uploaded to SeeSaw app.
You can log on now to access the activities.
Thanks to all who have uploaded work – there’s lots of work coming in now each day – it’s amazing!
New activities load each morning at 8.50am. Hope you are all having fun with them.
Please remember that in order to access the material your parents should first ensure they give consent via email to Mike.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Smyth
Hello 5th and 6th class,
I hope you are all keeping well. Well done to all of you for all your hard work this week. Here’s an example of just some of the lovely things you have done. From story writing prep,minions, outer space I spy, moving images, and twig mobiles.
I will continue to upload your work for next week to See Saw. Once again if you need any support around See Saw do not hesitate to call Mr. Donnelly. He will point you in the right direction. His number can be found on the school website.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the warm, windy weather.
Ms. Sweetman