Message from Principal 29/01/2021

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all as well as you can be under the circumstances.

It has been confirmed today by the Department of Education that schools will remain closed for the moment.

I would like to commend all the children on their work and interaction with their teachers and SNAs.

We are all just trying to survive a pandemic!

We are all doing our best!

Please continue to stay in touch and contact us if we can help and support you in any way.

Thinking of you all and missing you all,

Suzanne Comerford


SYS little houses art project

Below is information on a wonderful local collaborative art project that your child might be interested in. Stoneybatter Youth Service will provide you with instructions and some of the materials needed. Individual entries will be joined with others to form one big artwork that represents the community of Stoneybatter, and displayed in the National Museum in Collins Barracks. Contact Johanna @ SYS on 0863888466 or see the attached flyer for more details.

Little Houses Instructions

Junior Infants 25th January 2021

Hello Junior Infants,

Well done everybody. You have been working so hard and we have been delighted to see and hear all you have been doing this week. You have been completing lots of maths activities on Seesaw as well as practising your phonics and nursery rhymes. We are delighted to see lots of photographs of you dressing for the weather and enjoying some outdoor activities and getting some exercise. Many of you have been showing us your artistic talents by creating and making lots of interesting things too.

Keep up the great work Junior Infants.

From Ms. Leonard and Ms. Flahive.


Phonics Practise

  • The phonics/ sounds we will work on this week are to be found in the table below. Please note, as your child will surely tell you, that even though ‘c’ and ‘k’ are different letters, we focus on the same sound that they make (‘c’ as in ‘clicking castanets’).
  • Below you will find some suggestions of websites, videos and activities to support this week’s phonics practise.
  • Please continue to use the rainbow-writing pages, and pencil-writing pages that were supplied in your homework packs to practise letter formation.

Webites with Interactive Activities to Support Phonics Practice


Videos to Support Phonics Practise


Reading Choice

Nursery Rhymes

  • This week you can practise Baa Baa Black Sheep and Two Little Dickie Birds.
  • Practise saying each of these rhymes. Do you know all the words?
  • Watch the linked videos and sing along to the rhymes.
  • Record a video of you reciting each rhyme and share it with your teacher on Seesaw.



Online Story Suggestion

  • Click on the image to bring you to the website.
  • Enjoy the story of When a Dragon moves in by Jodie Moore

Maths Choice

Maths Games

Below are links to some maths activities to support your child’s learning. You can still access last week’s suggestions by scrolling back through our school website here.

Some of the games have QR codes for quick access and use on mobiles and tablets.



Don’t forget –

  1. Take pictures/videos of what you do and post them on Seesaw so your teacher can see them.
  2. Read a story or rhyme every day.
  3. Count forwards and backwards every day.
  4. Do some colouring or drawing when you can.
  5. Play every day.
  6. Boys and girls help to tidy-up.
  7. Wash your hands.


Junior Infants 11th January 2021

Dear Parents / Guardians,

We hope you are all well and are feeling positive about the weeks ahead. We understand that this may be the first time for many of you to have to face into engaging with schooling from home. We hope to make it as uncomplicated as possible by providing a variety of activities each week. We do not expect you to complete everything that is suggested as we understand that these are exceptional times and each of us have different challenges to contend with at home. Please pick and choose to do whichever activities are best suited to your own situation. Some of you may prefer hands-on or worksheet/paper activities compared to the online activities or vice-versa. Approach them at a pace that suits you and your child. Continue reading

School food packages

Dear parents/guardians

Due to the beginning of remote online learning, school food packages will again be delivered to those who need them. Please contact me if you wish to receive school food packages delivered to your home.




January School Closure

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Following the government’s announcement, schools will now remain closed until 1st of February.

Remote learning in St. Gabriel’s will begin on Seesaw on Monday 11th January. Teachers will be contacting parents through email or by phone in the coming days. If you have any queries you can email your child’s class teacher or