Junior Infants 22nd-26th February

Hello boys and girls in Junior Infants,

We hope you all enjoyed some rest and relaxation over the midterm break! Below are a few suggestions of activitites for the week ahead. It’s a beautiful morning here in Dublin today so I hope you all make the most of the nice weather and get out and enjoy some fresh air and exercise. It’s perfect weather for searching for signs of spring!  Feel free to share photos of what you find on Seesaw! We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on our Zoom meetings this week so keep an eye out on your e-mails for days and times.

Ms. Leonard and Ms. Flahive.

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Junior Infants 15th-19th February

Hello boys and girls in Junior Infants,

Well done for reaching the week of our mid-term break.  Below are a few suggestions of activities for you to do this week. We’re so happy to see you share what you have been getting up to on Seesaw. Many of you are trying a little bit from our school website, some challenges on Seesaw, lots of fun tasks from the school activity packs as well as your own creative projects and adventurous pursuits. We’re very impressed with all your fantastic work. You and your parents really deserve to enjoy the few days off school work for the mid-term break.

Ms. Leonard and Ms. Flahive.

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School Zone initiative from Dublin City Council

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Dublin City Council have a School Zone initiative which aims to reduce congestion and increase safety at the front of schools.

The initiative would highlight the presence of the school, encourage traffic to slow down in a School Zone area, encourage drivers not to park on footpaths and encourage cars to make drop-offs outside the School Zone area and not to stop there.

If St. Gabriel’s N.S. applied for and was granted this initiative, it would entail line-markings stating ‘School Zone’, colourful red and yellow circles on the road on Cowper Street and pencil-shaped bollards on the footpath outside the school.

Please find further information HERE.

We would appreciate any opinions you may have on this intitative. Please send any comments to principal@stgabrielsns.ie or to 087 123 1750.

Junior Infants 8th-12th February

Hello boys and girls in Junior Infants,

We are delighted that so many of you were able to collect the activity packs last week. There are lots of Valentine’s Day themed activities to keep you busy this week along with worksheets to support your phonics learning. We hope you enjoy working on your number skills by using the maths games and resources in your packs. Have fun keeping your fingers strong and nimble by playing with the pegs, pom-poms, pipe-cleaners and beads. Remember that playing with your play dough, jigsaws, building blocks and colouring are also fantastic ways to strengthen your fingers which will help with your pencil control and writing.

If you were unable to collect the activity packs last week arrangements can be made for collection at a suitable time this week.  

Keep up all the wonderful work,

Ms. Leonard and Ms. Flahive.

Phonics Practise

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St Brendan’s GAA Skill of the Week

Our school has been working closely with St. Brendan’s GAA .  St. Brendan’s are launching a new Skills of The Week Series. This is aimed at younger children and videos are based on both football skills and hurling skills as well as some FMS (fundamental movement skills) that can be practiced at home. Subscribe/follow St Brendan’s GAA for videos that will be posted on a weekly basis. The first videos are here and here. Click here for the Dublin GAA Fitness Frolics programme; these are weekly online GAA skills, exercise and fitness sessions for U8, U10 and U12-aged children.