Easter Closure

School closes Friday March 26th – half day.

Children will be collected in the following order:

  • 11.30am: Junior Infants, Senior Infants and their siblings
  • 11.45am: Sunshine Class
  • 12.00 noon: 1st Class – 6th Class

School reopens Monday April 12th.

Please remember to complete the Return to School Questionnaire before your child returns to school.

Green Day Fun – Spórt agus Craic ar an Lá Glás

This year in St. Gabriel’s NS we chose the day before St. Patrick’s Day to hold our Lá Glás (Green Day).  In the morning we certainly got a lot of exercise when we had our Céilí Mór outside in the playground.  Some amazing dance moves were on display, especially from Second Class!  Everyone has been making an extra special effort to speak cúpla focail as Gaeilge (a few words in Irish) for Seachtain na Gaeilge and each class enjoyed an Irish movie and popcorn to wind down after the all the excitement.