Monthly Archives: September 2022
Busy at Work
Web safety workshops
Class teacher email addresses
Dear Parents and Guardians,
You will find contact details for your child’s class teacher below.
Please email class teacher regarding any absences or collection details.
Junior Infants – Ms Leonard – msleonard@stgabrielsns.ie
Senior Infants A – Ms O’Dowd – msodowd@stgabrielsns.ie
Senior Infants B – Ms Flahive – msflahive@stgabrielsns.ie
1st Class – Ms Sweetman – mssweetman@stgabrielsns.ie
2nd Class – Ms Fitzpatrick – msfitzpatrick@stgabrielsns.ie
3rd Class – Mr Smyth – mrsmyth@stgabrielsns.ie
4th – Ms Bartley – msbartley@stgabrielsns.ie
5th/6th Class – Mr Flanagan – mrflanagan@stgabrielsns.ie
They can also be contacted regarding any other school-related issue or question you may have.
Secondary school open evenings

Please find below a list of open evenings for secondary schools, with view to applications for 2023/24. Some schools have yet to finalise these details, but I will send on any further information I receive when I get it. I will also send deadline dates for applications for 2023/24 when these have been decided.
If there is a particular school whose information/application pack you would like to receive, please let me know and I can get you these details. You will also find school contact details below if you wish to follow up anything else yourself.
Thanks, Mike HSCL
Schools | Open evening | Phone number |
For girls and boys: | ||
Cabra Community College – | 29th September 7pm | 01-6680614 http://cabracc.ie/ info@cabracc.cdetb.ie |
Larkin Community College, Dublin 1 | 28th September, 2-7pm | 01-8741913 https://www.larkincommunitycollege.ie/ larkinupdates@lcc.cdetb.ie |
Clonturk Community College, Dublin 9 | TBC | 01-5596960 www.clonturkcc.ie info@clonturkcc.cdetb.ie |
Edmund Rice College, Navan Road, Dublin 15 | 28th September, 6.30-8.30pm | 01 8179045 https://edmundricecollegedublin.ie/ admin@ercdublin.ie |
For girls only: | ||
St. Joseph’s Secondary School, Stanhope Street | 27th September, 2.30pm & 5.30pm | 01-6710419 http://www.stanhopesecondary.ie/ info@stanhopesecondary.ie |
Mount Carmel Secondary School, Kings Inn Street | 15th September, 6.30pm | 01-8730958 https://mountcarmelsecondaryschool.ie/ info@mountcarmel.ie |
St. Dominic’s College, Cabra | 22nd September, 7pm | 01-8385282 https://stdominics.ie/ info@stdominics.ie |
For boys only: | ||
St. Paul’s CBS, North Brunswick Street | 4th October, 5.15pm | 01-8720781 http://thebrunner.ie/ principal@thebrunner.ie |
St. Declan’s College, Nephin Road | 15th September, 6.45pm | 01-8380357 https://stdeclanscollege.ie/ info@stdeclanscollege.ie |
St. Vincent’s Glasnevin | 20th September, 7pm | 01-8304375 https://www.stvincentsd11.ie/home office@stvincentsd11.ie |
CBS James’ St, Basin Lane | 15th September, 6pm | 01-4547756 http://cbsjamesstreet.ie/ |
Parent Information Meetings
Good Friends Week
Welcome back to a new school year. This year, the focus for Good Friends Week is on how we greet each other. One of the easiest ways that we can be friendly to others is by saying ‘Hello’ to those we meet each day. This week the children in St. Gabriel’s will make an extra effort to show how friendly they are by greeting the people they meet in our school and at home.
Each class will explore some of the many ways we can greet others such as by smiling, waving, saying ‘good morning’, ‘hi’, ‘hello’ etc. We are very lucky to have lots of children who have family from all corners of the world. These children will help us to learn how people greet each other and say hello in other languages all over the world. When greeting someone we will try to remember to look at the person, smile and use their name. We will also make sure that we can respond appropriately when somebody says ‘hello’ to us.
As usual, each class will draw up their class charter during Good Friends Week. They will use these as important guides to help ensure that each classroom is a friendly, safe and productive place to be this year.
Mr. Flanagan’s 5th and 6th class will greet their new buddies in Junior Infants this week. They will have a friendly ‘hello’ for Junior Infants and look forward to introducing them to lots of games and fun activities on the playground during the week.
As we have the freedom to open our doors and welcome parents and families back into the school, we look forward to using our greetings during assemblies, seasonal performances and other fun events in the school throughout the school year.