Quentin Blake Creations in 3rd Class

As Mr Smyth’s 3rd Class are reading the novel “James and the Giant Peach” written by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake, the children have spent September learning about the artistic drawing style of Quentin Blake.

Today, they completed their own imaginative character based on the style of Blake and painted in the style Blake would use. You can learn more about Quentin Blake here: https://quentinblake.com/

Check out the children’s beautiful artwork below!

Maps and scavenger hunt fun in 3rd Class

Today, as part of the Physical Education strand Orientation and Outdoor and Adventure, the children in 3rd Class followed a mapped route to Grangegorman campus. They carried out two fun scavenger hunts. They also took some time to discuss Living Things in the area as part of our Science topic this month, such as different tree types, potatoes growing in the garden and much more. Check out the lovely picture below!

Second Class visit Stoneybatter

Second Class took advantage of the sunshine on Wednesday and went on a lovely trip around Stoneybatter. We have been looking at our local community and how people help us through their jobs. We visited a DIY shop, a take-away and an auto-repair shop. We learned a lot about how these people work and what they do to help different people nearby. Thank you very much to Gerard, Claudia and Barry!