Preparation for our Nativity Performance in Junior Infants


Our two junior infant classes have been very busy over the past few weeks preparing for our Nativity performance. The children have learned all about the story of the very First Christmas.

They have taken on the roles of kings, shepherds, sheep, angels, innkeepers as well as the star, the donkey, Mary and Joseph. The boys and girls have learned songs and actions as part of the show.



Junior Infants enjoyed rehearsing our re-enactment of the Nativity in the classroom before preparing for filming it on our school stage. There was great excitement on the days the children had the opportunity to fit on and wear their costumes!


Although we can’t perform in front of a real audience this year, we look forward to sharing a special recording with our Junior Infant parents on Seesaw this week. Other classes in the school will also have the opportunity to watch the recording on their whiteboards before we get our Christmas holidays on Wednesday.

A special thanks to Mr. Crosbie and Mr. Flanagan for helping with costumes and the filming of our show in recent days.

Christmas Hamper free raffle!

On Friday the 18th of December we will be holding a free raffle for all the children in the school. The lucky name out of the hat will win this wonderful Christmas Hamper!

Our Christmas Advent Calendar

Christmas is a magical time of year and First Class have been enjoying all of the fun and celebrations. To help us count down to Christmas Day we made a classroom Advent Calendar. Every morning we lift a number on our Advent Calendar and complete the fun Christmas activity underneath. We sure have been busy in First Class doing lots of fun activities including playing Christmas games, listening to Christmas songs and telling Christmas jokes. There were lots of laughs and giggles coming from our classroom! Here our some of our favourite jokes:

What does a snowman travel on? An icicle!

Who delivers presents to cats at Christmas time? Santa Paws!

What is green, covered in tinsel and goes ribbit ribbit? Mistle-toad!

St. Gabriel’s N.S. Christmas Album Sampler

Hi all,

We’re excited to present a sample of some of the songs from our Christmas Album. The children have been working hard practising and recording the songs and we are in the process of finishing the project – it will be available for sale soon and we will keep you posted on all details as soon as possible! The children are all happy and proud of their hard work – we hope you enjoy it too!

St Gabriel’s NS Christmas CD sample

Here are some more photos from production:

Watch the children recording here:

christmas album pic1

Christmas Cards

Children at St Gabriel’s are designing their own Christmas cards. They are being sent off this week to be professionally printed. Parents will be informed of different options for purchasing prints of their children’s cards. 

Here’s Ms O Dowd’s class busy designing their cards!