5th/6th class designed our own inventions. It was fun.
We had to design our own inventions for homework, and one girl even made her invention, “The Animal-o-walkie”. It allows people to understand their pets and all other animals too. Our teacher asked us to come to school with our inventions that we designed in our homework copies. Since then, we have made a flying skateboard, a magic flying school bag, a potty for dogs, a future football machine and a hovercraft.
We ‘ve also learned a little about some famous inventors and their amazing creations, like Thomas Edison’s lightbulb, Percy Shaw’s cat’s eyes and Francis Rynd’s syringe.
We are now able to learn more from our FREE World Book Day books “Tony Robinson’s Weird World of Wonders – Funny Inventions”.
Monthly Archives: February 2013
Now enrolling for Junior Infants September 2013
We are currently taking applications for Junior Infants for this September 2013.
If you would like your child to be considered for a place for September 2013, please complete enrollment form (see below or pick one up from school office) and return to the school office on or before February 28th.
If you have any queries in relation to enrolling your child in our school, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 01- 83 84 85 3 or Niall (HSCL) on 087 96 26 708.
Application form: enrolment form 2013-14
Acum se fac înscrieri pentru noul școlar, Septembre 2013.
Formularele se pot găsi pe website-il școlii sau la Biroul școlii sau de la potesorul Niall.