This month we have been learning about electricity. We have learned about circuits and how electricity flows.
We carried out an experiment with batteries, wire and bulbs.
Check out the pictures above.
This month we have been learning about electricity. We have learned about circuits and how electricity flows.
We carried out an experiment with batteries, wire and bulbs.
Check out the pictures above.
Maths Week 2015 is currently underway in St. Gabriel’s N.S. and around the island of Ireland! We have many activities taking place during the week from Maths Trails to the Times Tables Tournament among other events. We need as many parents as possible to come and take part in our Maths Games Extravaganza this Wednesday 14th October. All the children from Junior Infants to 6th Class will come together in the P.E. Hall at 9 am to play a number of Maths games that include topics such as Number, Shape and Space, Fractions, Time etc. Please let us know if you can come and be a part of Maths Week 2015 and an event that our pupils gain a lot from every year!
St. Gabriel’s N.S. was recently selected as a recipient of the Tesco Community Fund initiative by Tesco Prussia Street, Dublin 7. A huge thank you to all the parents and extended community who chose our school with their blue tokens in-store. Pictured with Principal Marion McLoone are Claudia, Tesco Prussia Street and some pupils from 3rd Class.
The pupils and teachers of St. Gabriel’s will be celebrating national Maths Week 2015 from the 12th to the 16th of October. As well as making Maths lessons extra fun every day that week, a number of events will also take place throughout the school, with pupils from Junior Infants to 6th Class taking part. During the week there will be different Maths Trails taking place around the school and in the Phoenix Park. The children from 1st Class to 6th Class will be vying for a spot in the Tables Championship finals on Thursday. On Wednesday at 9 am, every pupil in the school will take part in a Maths Games Extravaganza in the P.E. Hall and we look forward to seeing as many parents as possible taking part in this fantastic event. For more information on Maths Week Ireland check out
Today Mr Smyth’s class paid a visit to Phibsboro Library to meet an author, Erika McGann. Read about their experience below…
Our Trip to Phibsboro Library By Ellie
Today we went to Phibsboro Library. We went to see an author called Erika McGann. She spoke about her books and she read a bit for us. She showed us some covers for her book Broken Spell. The covers were amazing. They were all so good. I couldn’t chose which one was my favourite. She was the winner of the Waverton Good Read Chidlren’s Prize 2014 for the Demon Notebook, the first in her magical series about Grace and her four friends. She gave us copies of the Fairytale Trap. She also gave all of us bookmarks and posters. It was the first time I ever met an author. And on the way back on the bus me and my friends couldn’t stop talking about it! It was a fantastic day!
This week is National Fire Safety Week 2015
5th – 12th October
Here are some of the pupils of 3rd Class who were VERY excited to be starting swimming lessons last Friday! They will be making the journey to the National Aquatic Centre every week with the other pupils from 4th, 5th and 6th Class.