Summer Holidays

Wishing our students and their families a safe and happy summer break!

Anyone wishing to make a late enrollment for September please email the school:

The school office is not open during holidays except the first and last week of the holidays. The office will be open to buy tracksuits, school crests and pay your school supplies fee between 10am and 2pm on the following days:


  • Mon, 1st July
  • Tues, 2nd July
  • Wed 3rd July
  • Thurs 4th July


  • Mon 26th August
  • Tues 27th August
  • Wed 28th August
  • Thurs 29th August
  • Fri 30th August


Graduation Ceremony

The Graduation Ceremony for 6th Class pupils took place today. We would like to wish all the pupils all the best in secondary school and into the future. They will all be missed by their teacher and all the staff at the school.

We all very proud of their hard work throughout their time in St Gabriel’s NS.

Awards Ceremony

St. Gabriel’s celebrated the achievements of our pupils today in the end of year awards ceremony.  The staff, pupils and parents came together in the P.E. hall to recognise the hard work that took place during the year with awards including Pupil of the Year, Sportsperson of the Year, Gaeilgeoir na Bliana and awards for attendance.  Well done to all those who received awards.

Parents Lend a Helping Hand

Well done and thank you to some of our parents who gave up their free time to help paint the railings outside the school.  Thanks to their help, the job was done quickly but also with great care and is much appreciated.